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The GBG "Year and a Day" Calendar


Pagan Calendar with Interesting Info for Every Day of the Year

Old photos, quotes, news clippings, Craft history and more...

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The 2024 GBG "Year and a Day" CALENDAR...
Since 2011, the GBG "Year and a Day" calendar has shared dozens of historic photos,
news clippings and quotes from Gerald B. Gardner (GBG) and the early High Priestesses
and others who were instrumental in helping witchcraft to take root and grow:
Doreen Valiente, Patricia Crowther, Eleanor Bone, Monique Wilson, Donna Gardner,
Dayonis, Jack Bracelin, Fred Lamond, Edith Woodford-Grimes,
and others...

This unique calendar includes Pagan feast days and interesting information
for every day of the year from Pantheons around the world,
Full and New Moons, Sabbats and seasonal information.

The new app for Android and Apple includes the same daily information,
but without the monthly photos in the printed version.

The GBG "Year and a Day" calendar is both educational and entertaining!